Friday, February 14, 2014

Sochi Day 3

Today was a very exciting day! So much happened.. First, we went over to Olympic Park and saw the Latvia/Czech Republic men's hockey game. Czech Republic won 4-2. Then we waited on set of the Today Show. Getting there early really has its advantages. We met and talked to all three of the Team USA slope style skiing medalists. They are such nice guys (: Nicholas Goepper, the bronze medalist, was nice enough to take a picture with me! We also saw the gold medalist, Joss Christensen, and silver medalist, Gus Kenworthy outside when we were walking back to our hotel. Twice in one day!! Also on set, we met and talked with Natalie Morales. Marc shook hands with her. We also met and talked with the former figure skater, Scott Hamilton. And Savannah Guthrie waved to us. Also, I gave a Valentine's Day shoutout to my mom on the Today Show. And just to state the obvious, Marc and I were on national television again. And get this.. All of that was not even the best/most exciting part of our day. You will never believe who came into USA House! VLADIMIR PUTIN!!!! Marc and I were literally a foot away from him when he was leaving. I will post the video. It was very unexpected and everyone was told that there was a special guest coming. When we found out that it was Putin everyone freaked out. 
Here's a shoutout to my photography class and teacher all the way from Sochi, Russia. It was awesome talking with you today! (:
Oh and one more thing.. If anyone has the video of me giving my mom the shoutout on the Today Show, can you please put the link in the comments or find a way to get it to me? Via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, email, text. Any one of those? My mom didn't see it I don't think and I would love to be able to see it myself too. Thanks!
Vladimir Putin ^ 
Vladimir Putin ^ 
Vladimir Putin ^ 
Vladimir Putin ^ 
The Western New York gang from yesterday ^ 

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